Athletics: Team and Individual Sports
One of seven schools that combined make up the Eastern Athletics Association for the Blind (E.A.A.B.), the Institute's teams compete in local and national competitions, allowing students to travel (some for the first time), compete, and socialize with their athletic peers. E.A.A.B. schools alternate hosting tournaments and competitions, and teams are divided into boys, girls, or co-ed, ensuring all can benefit from participating.
To hear about the Institute's Athletics program's impact on students, listen to Assistive Physical Education Teacher Carina Cam.
Student Skill Development
Reinforcing what one can accomplish through commitment, dedication, and collaboration, participation on a sports teams builds self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness through teamwork, practice, and competition.
Students also benefit from learning to incorporate sports into an active and healthy lifestyle, encouraging them to remain involved in sports long after graduating from our program.
Specific skills taught include:
Creative Thinking
Annual Sports Calendar
In August of each year, E.A.A.B. leaders convene to determine the year's competition schedule. Participating schools host matches, meets, scrimmages, tournaments throughout each season. Schedule is subject to change due to in climate weather.
Fall Season
September: Soccer and Swimming
October: Pep Rally, E.A.A.B. Soccer Match
November: Wrestling and E.A.A.B. Swim Tournament
Swim Competition Levels: 25 Yards Free Style, Back Stroke & Breast Stroke; 50 Yards Free Style & Breast Stroke; 100 Yard Free Style; 100 Meter I.M.; Relay Race
Winter Season
December: Wrestling
January: Goalball and E.A.A.B. Wrestling Tournament
February: Goalball
March: E.A.A.B. Goalball Tournament
Spring Season
April: Track and Field
May: E.A.A.B. Track and Field Tournament
Track and Field Competition Levels: Running (50, 75, 220, 440, and 800 yards; and one mile); Throwing (football, softball, and shot put); and Jumping (standing jump, triple jump, and running long jump.
June: Athletics Awards Ceremony and Reception
Eastern Athletics Association for the Blind Schools
The Eastern Athletics Association for the Blind (E.A.A.B.) consists of seven schools for the blind:
Overbrook School for the Blind (Pennsylvania)
Perkins School for the Blind (Massachusetts)
Maryland School for the Blind (Maryland)
New York Institute for Special Education (New York)
North Carolina School for the Blind (North Carolina)
Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind (Virginia)
West Virginia School For the Blind (West Virginia)
Learn More: Sports for Blind and Visually Impaired Athletics
United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA)
The USABA empowers Americans who are blind and visually impaired to experience life-changing opportunities in sports, recreation and physical activities, thereby educating and inspiring the nation.
To learn more about their programs, follow this link
For a description and video discussing Blind soccer, follow this link
For a description and video discussing Goalball, follow this link:
International Blind Sports Federation
The International Blind Sports Federation is the world’s leading organization for the development of sport for people with visual impairments.
To learn more about their programs, follow this link