Schermerhorn » Admissions Procedure

Admissions Procedure

The Schermerhorn Program - Admissions
The intake process starts with a call to our Intake Social Worker or to the Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services. We will ask for the child’s current IEP and the latest evaluations. A tour will be scheduled if we feel that The New York Institute for Special Education may have an appropriate educational placement for the student.

We need to receive approval from the New York State Education Department to evaluate a child. Once we receive this approval, an intake is scheduled. Our multidisciplinary team will meet with the child and the parents to determine educational strengths and needs.

We will then review our evaluations and recommendations with the parents. If a child is recommended for placement in The Schermerhorn or The Van Cleve Program, a Committee on Special Education meeting is requested.

If the Committee on Special Education recommends placement at The New York Institute, we request final approval from The New York State Education Department. Bus transportation is arranged by the local school district when we receive final approval.

Please contact Yvette Feliciano, at 718-519-7000, extension 8378 for more information.
The Readiness Program - Admissions

The Readiness Program provides special education services to children ages 3-5. Students who have been identified as a preschooler with a disability and have a recommendation for special education are placed in the program through their local Committee on Preschool Special Education.
The program offers varied classroom sizes and related therapy services to the students in the program. Once a child has been recommended for a program, parents are advised to visit schools that might be appropriate for their child. Parents should call The Readiness Program to ask for a tour of the program.
It is highly recommended that parents bring any paperwork, including the CPSE recommendations, with them at the time of this visit.