Adaptive Aids for the Blind » NY Point Slate 1890

NY Point Slate 1890

NY Point Slate
ca. 1890

William Bell Wait, superintendent of the New York Institute for the Blind, promoted a code called "New York Point" in 1868. New York Point was a cell two dots high with a varying cell width and was used for years in book and magazine production.
NY Point Slate ca. 1890The brass back is heavily grooved
The brass back is heavily grooved
Slate standing up open
Types of Reading Codes
used in US in 1910
New York Point 57.2%
American Braille 28.1%
English or European Braille 4.7%
Line type or letter 23.9%
Moon type 11.1%
Kind not reported 6.4%
Source: Department of Commerce-Bureau of Census, The Blind in the United States 1910, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1 Table 113, page 137