Photo Album

Students perform for their families and friends for our 2024 Spring Concert!

A girl is holding a microphone next to a man in a suit
two boys are laughing sitting in chairs behind a music stand
A woman is speaking into a microphone
A line of students dressed in white and black are standing and singing in a gymnasium
A group of elementary studetns are standing at their chairs and singing in the corner of a gymnasium
4 students are playing English bells while a man accompanies them on piano
a young boy plays the piano
a group of young students sing in front of a microphone
2 students dance with each other in front of a group who is singing
a boy is playing the piano
5 students play large bongos as a man is playing a flute next to them
A boy is playing the piano
students sit at a table in front of english bells
students sit behind a music stand
a boy reads music from a music stand