This year's visit to the Church of the Intercession to hear the 104th readiing of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" that was written by Clement C. Moore, a member of our school board was extra special. The day started with a brief stop at a gravesite owned by the school of several pupils buried at a monument on the church grounds. In 1849, there was a major pandemic of cholera that led to the death of thousands of persons including several students of the school. Also buried there is Daniel McCliintock, a teacher of the school that requested to be buried there in 1930.<br>Two of our students, Kalah Dolman and Juliana Odom performed for the standing room only audience in the packed church. They performed brilliantly. One of their carols was record and available on Youtube.<br>A school 1949 newsletter called "Pelham Progress" has a short history of the cemetary plot. <br><br>Photographer: John Hernandez