The New York Institute For Special Education Home


The New York Institute for Special Education(NYISE) is a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonsectarian educational facility that provides quality programs for children who are blind or visually disabled and preschoolers who are developmentally delayed.
The school was founded in 1831 as The New York Institution for the Blind as one of the first schools in the United States to provide an educational program for children who were blind or visually impaired.
Early in the twentieth century, the name was changed to The New York Institute for the Education of the Blind to emphasize the educational character of the school.
This website has an extensive history of the school, a major collection of disability links called the Blindness Resource Center, and hundreds of photos of our school activities. 


The Readiness Program Image

The Readiness Program

The Readiness Program is a full-day, center-based program for children ages 3 to 5 who reside in the Bronx, have been referred to the program through their local Committee on Preschool Special Education, and display a developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: cognitive, speech and language, fine or gross motor skills, sensory integration, adaptive or social-emotional development.
The students are grouped together in small classes with a teacher and two teacher assistants. Support services such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Counseling are provided to children in order to meet their educational goals as mandated by the Individual Education Plan (IEP).
The Readiness Program works closely with the families and offers parent training and support groups to assist the families in advocating for their child's educational needs. The Monolingual and Bilingual groups meet regularly with a social worker who facilitates the meetings. The Readiness staff believes that young children, regardless of their disability, learn when they are fully participating and interacting with people and their environment.
The curricula include Teaching Strategies, TEACCH and visual supports consisting of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Super Symbols and True Object Based Icons (TOBI) which are incorporated into all aspects of the students' day.
In addition, the teachers, psychologist and administrative staff have worked together to create a social skills program in line with the New York State Department of Education Social Emotional Learning standards.
Monthly themes are woven into the curricula along with music activities and fun hands-on learning opportunities.
Whether it is watching chicks hatch, competing in tricycle races or displaying artwork, the children are provided with real learning experiences to reinforce basic concepts and skills.
The Schermerhorn Program Image

The Schermerhorn Program

The Schermerhorn Program has a 190-year history of serving students with blindness and visual impairments. It offers diverse educational services to meet the needs of children who are legally blind, from the ages of 5 to 21.
Students participate in individually designed academic and modified academic programs that emphasize independence. Many of the students have mild secondary disabilities and need a specialized educational environment in order to be successful in school. The school offers either a day program or a five-day residential program.
Following a thorough psychological and educational evaluation, a multi-disciplinary team in cooperation with the student's family, we develop a comprehensive Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) to meet the student's educational needs.
Classroom instruction forms the core of the student's program. Some students receive instruction which follows the New York State Curricula leading to elementary and high school diplomas. Students not on grade level receive remedial instruction and as they mature life skills training is provided. A student's program may also include career education, training in activities of daily living, social skills, nutrition, computer science, and technology.
A vast array of special services support each student. When appropriate, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, orientation and mobility, art and music may be scheduled. All students receive a full program of adaptive physical education. Counseling and guidance services are available to all students and their families.
As an extension of our Career Educational Curriculum, students are given an opportunity to develop job behaviors and job skills through prevocational activities and in the career experience program. Activities include work in horticulture, on-campus coffee shop, an on-campus practice store, and simulated workshops. The career experiences program includes training and job experiences in a variety of jobs on the campus and, for advanced students, in the community.
Once their education is completed the students move on to a variety of settings. This includes college, other less restrictive special education and regular education programs, vocational training, as well as gainful employment.
2 teachers and 4 girls are sitting at a table in a dorm, doing arts and crafts

The Residential Program

The New York Institute’s Residential Program provides a home-like atmosphere while the students are at school. Students from the Schermerhorn program live in dormitories and interact with
supportive and knowledgeable staff.
The Residential Program believes that learning doesn’t stop at the end of the school day. Students receive help with their homework and practice skills related to independent living. Throughout the week students are involved in shopping, meal planning, food preparation, and care of their living area.
Staff accompanies students off campus to Broadway shows, major sporting events, movies, and restaurants. The recreation staff offers a daily schedule of activities. Some favorites include swimming, bowling and exercising.
Team sports such as goalball, cheerleading, basketball, wrestling, swimming, and track and field give the students opportunities to compete with other schools. The staff works closely with the families in developing the goals for each student. This partnership is important since new skills learned must be used when the students return home on the weekends and for holidays.

School News

a man kneels with a group of young students holding an NYISE banner in a crowd

Happy White Cane Day!

October 15th is White Cane Day, a day to celebrate independence for the visually impaired! See our parade from today with Assemblyman Benedetto and the NYPD Community Affairs!
a girl and a boy are smelling a color wheel at an art room table

Smell The Color at NYISE!

Smell The Color intends to allow people with visual impairments to experience color through smell!
a teacher and student are sitting at a desk smiling with a braille writer

First Day of School!

Students in our Schermerhorn and Readiness programs came back to school today!
A group of students and 2 teachers pose in front of a banner that reads

Inside Broadway Comes to NYISE

Inside Broadway was at NYISE for three weeks, working with the students on an amazing performance called "We Are The Champions"