Braille writers » Interlinear Embossing Press of New York Point 1914

Interlinear Embossing Press of New York Point 1914

ca. 1914
.Interlinear Embossing Press of New York Point 1914
Designed by William Bell Wait to produce New York Point embossed reading material for the blind, the machine pictured above has been laid quiet for many decades. This version of his "Interlinear Embossing Press" differs in many way from the one pictured to the left from a 1894 Annual Report.

The machines are designed to print braille on both sides of the paper at once in order to save on paper use.
A view of the embossing plate with positive NY Point dots on the metal plate master. A hair brush roller kept the plate clean of paper debris.A view of the embossing plate with positive NY Point dots on the metal plate master. A hair brush roller kept the plate clean of paper debris.
The left gear assemblies used to crank the rollers.
The left gear assemblies used to crank the rollers.
The right gear assemblies used to crank the rollers.The right gear assemblies used to crank the rollers.
Side view of the printer showing a junction box and electrical switches.
Side view of the printer showing a junction box
and electrical switches.
Inside view of the space between 2 rollers

The roller opposite to the plate is grooved to prevent the embossing from being crushed on the backside of the paper.

Inside view of the space between 2 rollers showing a secondary metal embossed positive metal plate that printed NY Point on the back side of the paper.